Posted on April 27, 2020
n00bcoM after party
Nothing beats a game of real magic, right.
As me and Jonnie had planned to play n00bcoM at the same site event though the prevailing circumstances regarding COVID-19 we also talked about jamming som real magic after the dust had settled.
Unfortunately he was stressed out leaving home and had no chance of bringing his collection and therefor no ante deck. I was left in the dark and my hopes for the real deal was somewhat crushed by this.
But then I stumbled into Ye Old School Pub and met my fellow Brother Ben who offered me a game of real magic.
I quickly assembled my mono red Diamond Valley deck with birds, rukhs, walls and boosted it all with some expensive cards to reach the limitation for legal card slinging.
We sat down, shuffled up, cut our decks and anted the official blind ante before we started our battle. His black/white aggro against my red slowness.
The battle went back and forth and I was slowly drained by some real nightmares from the underworld if I recall it correctly.
I was struggling for my life and neither my bling bling birdies or valleys of treasure where to be seen. When I finally got to dig up some treasure in the valley and stabilized my life I was also able to sign the contract and thus also the firepower needed to bring my opponent down.
An epic battle with an epic wizard was resolved and the traditional late night real magic after the Good Friday happening was saved.
In my prized collection of birdies I now also possess the Lost Soul! Equipped with some extra battle gear and armour to fight battles for me as he have been fighting for others before me.
Over and out, yours truly
— Slanfan

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