Posted on November 14, 2019
It has to be London
London – legendary City in which so much happened. It will also be the place where the first high-stake-international Ante40K tournament with 7 +1 Players will take place 🙂
After the Main tournament, the REAL main tournament started. We gathered after 7pm for the real deal – AnteAnte40K.
- Slanfan
- Svante
- Markus
- Ben
- Allan
- Jason
- Reindeer
- Dan (Guestplayer with my Deck)

It was a beauty to watch how Ehrnam’s changed owners, Birds stole away Underground Sea’s (twice!) and finally a very aggressive Fish which was already signed was handed over from Slanfan to Svante. Therefore the black bordered Contract from Below (sponsored from SlanfanReindeer Intoxinated 2019) is going to get a new Owner – Svante. To honor this first Ante40K achievment, the Fish is now a 6/4 even more aggressive japanese meal!
Dan Sonderskov, a nice Gentlemen from Danmark rounded up the Tournament to 8 players and fought a match with my Deck against Slanfan – and he lost just a Birdie… Goodbye my lovely Jeweled Bird… But it was beautiful to see how my Black Green brute force Aggro was fighting its battle without me as pilot. So i did enjoy my beer and waited until the Ante was stolen away (a contract from below by the way 😉 ) from the Birdie.
Even more fun was the aftermath – we discussed via our Ante-Chat which player battled which one and which player won/lost… The memory of each participant was kind of deleted or at least “a little bit foggy” hahaha. But we figured it out and i assume that Svante is the overall winner of the tournament, right?
So i hope there will be many more interesting games and i hope you will enjoy the time until Christmas 🙂
See you soon
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